Monday, August 6, 2012

A Happy Birthday...

Jessi and Judah are officially two years old now.I know that they were wondering why we kept on saying those strange words(happy birthday,happy birthday,happy birthday...) to them over and over again today.They will learn the meaning of those words in time,with all the birthdays that are on the way they will know the meaning faster than usual.I watched them live today the way they usually do,playing,taking a nap,swimming and playing some more.Then they had a little birthday celebration,they knew something was up but were clueless to why it was up.Still they had a great time!They loved their gifts,to make it fun for them my mom wrapped them up for them.When they unwrapped them they had sweet smiles on their faces.One thing that didn't work out as usual was the blowing of the candles on their cake.They were afraid to do it and wouldn't even sit in front of the cake,so little Aunt Mady showed them how it's done.Eating the cake was no problem though!The boys had a great day I would say,I feel proud to have them as my brothers.I am officially nineteen today!Ever since my sister Rachel got adopted we've been celebrating our birthdays together,so later on this week the tradition will stand.I love it,having someone to celebrate with adds joy to a day that is special in all of our lives.