Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June 4th,Graduation Day...

I can't believe that this day has come and gone.Thinking back over my past,I'm overwhelmed.God has done so much in my life! He gave me a family,I had nobody as an ophan and now I have more family than I could have ever imagined.This graduation was another proof that God works.Honestly, I was not going to attend this graduation ceremony, because it was something my family members didn't do in the past.Deep down I wanted to!Nobody else but God knew how I felt and so I know that it was He that made this day possible for me.Of course he used it in way that I wouldn't ever imagined,it was through a speech.My very first speech and I got to say it went very well.I was honored like never before that night too.I got to be the first to speak and the person that lead 50 graduates in the auditorium.I had a funny experience happen also.Since I was the one in front, the ABE coordinator asked me to walk in with everyone when the music stops playing.The music was a little to slow and it appeared that it stopped.I didn't start walking in right away,the girl behind me told me that the music stopped and that I should start walking in.So I started walking in with all these graduates following behind.As we were walking in the music started playing again,so we had to go back.OK, that was very embarassing especially since I was the leader of the pack.Anyway we had a laugh about it and moved on ,I told some of the graduates that since I have already embarassed myself and met the people,making the speech should be no problem.I was nervous but it was no problem,many people loved it.I know that I was able to encourage many people and also got to share what I believe in and how God worked in my life.I wasn't the only one making a speech though.Three more graduates made one too.They all did well too.The neat thing is all four of us mentioned God.It's amazing,he truly used us to bring him glory that he deserves.It was a day of courage,honor,and standing up for what I believe in for me.I hope that many of those people that graduated that night will choose God's best in their life.I hope they would look back to their graduation night and say this was a day that opened many doors in my life. A memorable night indeed!