This whole week has been just full of surprises for my whole family and myself.The "unspoken prayer'' that I requested on one of the posts and that we all prayed for was answered.The situation isn't fixed, but that is all up to the one we were praying for.
My sister Leah went to the DMV this week hoping to pass her written test.She has struggled with it because English is her second language. I admit that it's hard to take tests because sometimes some words just don't make sense.Yesterday she went to the DMV and while she was gone we were all praying for her.I was praying continually too and I asked," God, if you answer prayers, please answer this one!"She ended up passing her test!!! It was a joy and to make things even better she got her High School diploma today.She is an amazing girl and deserves every bit of happiness.
This week I also asked God for a personal prayer request and he answered that one too.It was just so amazing! God is for real!
This morning five of my siblings,some people from our church and I had an opportunity to serve two of our church members.One of them is in the hospital right now and his life has changed because of a medical condition.Sometimes even a little bit of service can make a difference and can show someone that you care for them.I'm glad that Jesus has used us all today.
Today my brother Joseph took my other brother Jonas and I to try to get jobs.It wasn't a total let down but man getting a job is hard.We didn't get a job today but weren't turned down either.In Jonas's situation he got applications and will be able to turn them in tomorow.In mine I have to wait.I have to come back to one place that I applied at this Saturday because the manager wasn't there at the time today.In the other place that I've applied the position that I want to work at will be available next week.I have to call the manager and wait for the enterview call.Getting a job takes fighting for! Not in a bad way, but in a "don't give up trying" type of way.If you keep knocking on the door the door would eventually be opened,as my dad mentioned today.Today I did some knocking alright! Again I believe that God will do his will for both Jonas and I.
I just can't describe in words how truly real Jesus has been to me and I know to my family.Especially this week! I used to have doubts that he answers prayers but now I won't.If I forget that he is real I will go back to all the prayers that he has answered in my life and in others' lives.Than that should remind me that he is real!